Sex Diaries Project

Tips for Improving Your Dating Profile to Get More Matches

Dating Profile

Perfect Your Profile Pictures

What's the first thing you see on a dating app profile? A picture. These are your most important tools to get more matches. Don't just put up any pictures—curate your online image to show the real you, the sexy you, the confident you. If you don't have nice pictures, go take some!

Choose your first picture wisely. This is often the decision-maker for a lot of people on hookup apps. Wearing a bright color will catch someone's eye and set you apart from the rest. Your pictures should always include clear images of your face, especially your first one. Don't obstruct your face with sunglasses, a hoodie, or your hair.

The most important part of curating a collection of photos is to have a variety. If all your profile pictures are a different version of the same selfie, it looks like you don't have any personality. Having a range of angles will provide variety.

Profiles that include pictures taken by others seem more likable. Ask your friends to take some when you go out. Otherwise, you can set up your phone somewhere and put the camera on a timer. Make sure to include at least one picture of you alone that isn't a selfie. Mixing up your pictures between selfies, full-body shots, and portrait images is another way to add variety to your profile. 

Show your personality through your pictures! Include pictures of you smiling, goofing off, doing something you enjoy, or in a place that is meaningful to you. Exciting images can also serve as talking points for your matches.

You should include pictures of your friends, but don't make a group photo your main picture. Making a potential date guess what you look like is annoying, and they're more likely to just swipe past than investigate further.

If you include images of other people, make sure it's still easy to see your face and there aren't more than two or three people. If you want to have a picture with a lot of people, it should be something more meaningful than a house party. Think of a team sports photo or a family holiday. 

Having good photos is a sure-fire way to elevate your profile and get more matches. Putting effort into your pictures will be worthwhile.

Craft Your Bio

After photos, your biography is the next best thing in your toolkit. Take your time, and put in the effort. A lazy bio communicates that you're a lazy lover. If she's interested in sleeping with an inanimate object, she can stay at home and pleasure herself.

Be honest about who you are. This is another way to showcase your personality. Even when women are looking for just a hookup, they don't want to spend time with someone boring. Mention genuine interests like the kind of music you listen to, experiences you enjoy, or pets you live with. Consider what is important in your life.

If you're funny, show that in your bio! Try to add something that sets you apart from the competition. It's easy to say that you love animals, like to work-out or have a good job. Mention something you're passionate about. Where do you enjoy investing your time? Maybe you have a gentle personality and love knitting—or you can fill up a room with your energy and enjoy taking risks. Whoever you are, share that. It speaks to how you'll perform in the bedroom. After all, how you do anything is how you do everything.

Also read: Three awesome dating profile examples from eHarmony.


Once you make a match, it's up to you to meet someone in person. Messaging is the only way to truly gauge your matches and see what they want. Keep in mind that not every online match will be a good match for you in person. Find someone who you have enough chemistry and common interests with that a night together won't be awkward.

Reach out to them first! Waiting around for something great to happen to you is not a good life philosophy. No one wants to put in all the work in a conversation, so make sure you say more than just 'hey.' Give her something to work with. Just like a lazy bio, a lazy conversation is a huge turn-off. Put in effort, but try not to seem overeager.

If you mention something in her bio, it shows that you have a genuine interest in her. Ask questions and be your authentic self. Once you hit it off with someone in the app, ask if they would be comfortable moving to another messaging platform like Snapchat, Instagram, or text messaging. This shows that you want to know more about their life or that you'd like to talk more. Don't jump the gun, though—take some time to make sure she's into you first.

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